Friday, July 11, 2008

The Tracey Fragments

The Tracey Fragments
Running Time: 77 minutes

Artsy flicks can be problematic for me. Some are extremely well done and others are, well, not. Truthfully, the factors that surround my enjoyment of each one are mysteries since there's no real criteria that I can pinpoint which would help me determine the individual quality. That said, I know a good artsy flick when I see it...and this is definitely one of them.

The human brain is a strange, sometimes scary and overall fascinating place. Trying to make sense of everything that goes on cerebrally is an impossible task...and one that has literally driven people insane. The Tracey Fragments attempts to tell a linear "story" in a VERY non-linear fashion by showing bits and pieces of the heroine's thoughts, fears and versions of the truth, all through divisions within the main frame of the camera, crazy montages of objects and mementos and flashbacks. Bruce Mcdonald visually takes his audience into the mind of a 15 year old girl that has gone through some very traumatic experiences and allows us individually to attempt understanding of what actually took place.

I have another confession to make: Hollywood-ites are generally uninteresting to me. Until recently, there were only 2 people that I would actually care to meet and converse with, those being Bill Murray and Wes Anderson. However, Ellen Page has not only made that exclusive list but she will be receiving a wedding proposal in the mail shortly. Ok...I jest about the marriage but honestly, this woman can act! Juno was good and showcased her talents well...but if you see this movie (and I STRONGLY suggest you see Hard Candy as well...she was unbelievable) your eyes will be opened to just how well she can perform. Honestly, besides the vision that McDonald brings to the story, Page's performance is what makes this a truly remarkable film. The subject material is pretty heavy (attempted rape, murder, sex, missing child, abuse, etc.)...but, like I've mentioned in previous posts, I tend to like these movies because they're more true to life. Maybe not mine, maybe not yours...but most of us know people who have experienced some of these things which hopefully brings us as close to real empathy as we ever have to come. This was a great film...I suggest you see it...and tell me what you think.

1 comment:

{lizzythebotanist} said...

and this one too. we're just gonna watch movies and eat cookies and popcorn all night. what else do you do when you have two kids, no babysitter, and it's friday night?!