Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It Begins

My friend Liz posted a request on my personal blog yesterday that got me thinking. I spend an inordinate amount of time debating, dwelling on, researching, watching, listening and participating in movies and music. I study opinions and critiques a great deal, love to hear conflicting viewpoints and thrive on good, healthy rebuttals to my occasional fierce opinions. Therefore, I'm going to attempt an additional blog that will be solely dedicated to inking my thoughts on the subject of film and music. Now, before the few readers of my personal blog begin to scoff and mutter "how could he possibly maintain two blogs when he can hardly muster up the courage to update one?" I have a plan. Due to my love affair with Netflix and also being privileged enough to associate myself with many diverse music lovers, I will force myself to be proactive in writing about which films cross my path as well as particular artists that I happen to be listening to at the given moment. The goal is to write at least twice a week so please be patient with me as I begin the process. As far as structure or format is concerned, I don't have one. The ramblings to follow will be pure, unadulterated cerebral matter flowing from the mind of an obsessed junkie. Whether you agree with anything found within the virtual walls of this blog or not is fine by me...just don't be afraid to tell me what you think. Really...chime in. As Aristotle once said "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." That's what makes film and music so wonderful...because, in my opinion, they are microcosmic dissections of humanity that offer absolutely fascinating insight into the complexity that is man. Anyway, I wax verbose. Here are my thoughts...enjoy (or don't!)...

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